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The Importance of Sleep for Your Health: Tips for Better Sleep Hygiene


A guide to better sleep.

After an exhausting day, sleep is the salve that comforts and refreshes. Sleep is an essential part of our overall health and well-being. Yet, many of us do not get enough sleep on a nightly basis. Fortunately, there are things we can do to improve our sleep hygiene and get the rest we need. By following some simple tips, we can make sure we get a good night’s sleep and improve our health in the process. 

Why is sleep important for your health?

There's more to getting a good night's sleep than just lying down. Some folks feel fantastic after 7 hours of sleep, whilst others don't feel refreshed until they receive a complete 9 hours. You are maintaining your physical health and supporting healthy brain function during sleep. Toxins were eliminated from the brain twice as quickly during sleep.

 What is sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is a growing problem in the world today. It is estimated that 1 in 3 people suffer from some form of sleep deprivation. Almost 40% of adults say they fall drowsy during the course of the day. In addition, nearly seventy million suffer from chronic, sleep disturbances.

Some people don’t get enough sleep because they have Insomnia. Other people have medical conditions that make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Work shifts and stress can also cause sleep deprivation.

 The effects of sleep deprivation on your health 

Sleep deprivation can affect us in severe ways like

·            our mood, 

·           energy levels, 

·           and ability to concentrate and focus. 

·           weight gain, 

·           chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. 

Getting enough sleep may be your best bet if all of these seem familiar. Follow the tips below. 

What is sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene consists of medically proven practices that help generate the best atmosphere for good sleep throughout the day and before night.

It describes habits and practices that can help get better sleep. The components of sleep hygiene include, consistent bedtime, sleep cycle, over-exposure to screens, and quiet environments.

5 Tips for better sleep hygiene

1.     Make a consistent sleep schedule:

Begin by making uniformity a priority in your sleep pattern. Schedules and habits are extremely powerful. Choose a time to go to bed and rise that you can keep to and that gives you sufficient time to sleep. 

2.     Comfy bedtime

The bedtime environment plays a role in how you are settled to sleep. Comfort is the key, make sure pillows are soft, the bedroom is inviting, and soothing sleep music, all dark and quiet will help fall asleep faster. 

3.     Short exercises daily:

We all got a busy schedule, but keeping good health is also vital. Try at least 3 short exercises (walking, biking, stretching). Be wise to wait a while before crawling into bed.  

4.     Consume a healthy diet

A healthy diet doesn't mean leaving everything out; it means eating every food in the right proportion. Ditch the Nicotine and caffeine. Research suggests that Foods such as Kiwi, Tart, cherries, and malted milk have beneficial for sleep.

5.     Fold the electronic devices:

Keep aside that phone, and shut down the desktop. Light is an acute stimulus on its own. It's a good idea to put your electronic gadgets away for the duration of for a couple of hours before sleeping. 


Intriguing benefits of good sleep hygiene

  • Good sleep is essential, for our overall healthy habits and impacts our mental and physical health. Having healthy sleep habits can lead to numerous health benefits. 
  • Going to bed and waking early eliminate stress and anxiety through relaxation strategies 
  • Taking part in regular exercise (as mentioned above) regulates body temperature helping us to fall asleep faster.
  • Evidence shows that adequate sleep hygiene can improve our cardiovascular health, reduce the risk of diabetes, and development of certain types of cancers.

  • Creating better sleep hygiene helps in productive work solving complex problems and are less likely to be fatigued in the workplace.


Healthy living depends on getting a good night's sleep. The body may renew and restore itself while sleeping. Unfortunately, many people don't get enough sleep, which can have negative health effect. Sleep deprivation has been linked with several health problems. If you want to improve your sleep hygiene and develop nutritious sleep habits, you can make a huge impact in improving overall health and well-being. When it comes to treating sleep deprivation, every individual’s situation is different, so it’s important to consult with a doctor to develop an individualized plan.


What are the signs of sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is characterized by the following symptoms,

  • Extremely tired
  • Insufficient Sleep
  • Reduce attention span
  • Loss of memory. 

What is the treatment for sleep deprivation in humans?

Fortunately, there are treatments available,

  • The first step to acquiring these treatments is to consult a medical professional such as a doctor, nurse practitioner, or sleep specialist to uncover any underlying medical conditions 
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), or counselling with a sleep specialist, can also help to develop long-term strategies for managing sleep deprivation.
  • Medications are typically used in cases of more severe sleep deprivation
  • Lifestyle modifications are the preferable choice for most cases of sleep deprivation. 

  How much sleep do we need?

The need for sleep hours change with age. 

  • School-going children- 9 hours of sleep.
  • Teens- 8-10 hours.
  • Adults - 7-8 hours of sleep. 

Author Bio 

This article is written by Mark Edmonds. Mark is a widely respected figure in Academic Assignments. He takes immense pride in helping students, he has offered medical assignment help to uncountable medical students. His passion for healthcare progress has enabled him to provide healthcare assignment help to students. Mark’s assignments are concise, informative, and has clarity, making him the most praised assignment writer.


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