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The Scope of English Literature In Educating People


The Anglo-Saxon Germanic tradition is where English Literature gets its start. Geoffrey Chaucer considered the father of English Literature, utilized Middle English, which had superseded Old English during the Norman conquest of England, in The Canterbury Tales. 


British imperialism has inspired Literature for centuries in other countries where English is widely taught as a second language. Among all cultures, English Literature has some of the best autobiographies, biographies, and historical writings. The genres of children's Literature, fantasy, essays, and journals, traditionally considered minor, have produced some of the finest English Literature of all times. 


The reflection of life is found in the Literature. It is a reflection of the society in which it is produced. The Latin term "litaritura", which means "writing arranged with letters," is where the word "literature" originates. For the populace, reading was a kind of entertainment. It eventually accomplished the goal of reform as well. The authors emphasized societal themes in their Literature; due to this, it was used as a weapon to raise awareness of certain challenges and persuade them to consider the reform. Every event that takes place inside society can be written about, recorded in, and learned from the work of Literature because it serves as a doorway to philosophy, a reflection of reality, and a work of art. Literature, whether prose or poetry, may evoke feelings in the reader and information and wisdom. Literature is the expression of our life. It is a representation of language drawn from tragic human events.


8 Major periods in the history of English Literature:


  • Anglo-Saxon timeframe (450–1066)
  • The era of Anglo-Norman (1066–1500)
  • The Age of the Renaissance (1500–1660)
  • Period of Neoclassicism (1660–1798)
  • During the Romantic Era (1798–1837)
  • During the Victorian Era (1837–1901)
  • The Contemporary Era (1901-1945)
  • The Edwardian Era (1945–Today)
  • The 21st Century.


 Literature is a weapon to enlighten humanity:


  • Science flourished in Western Europe, England, and the American colonies during the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason, which lasted from the late 17th century to the 18th century.
  • Poets, playwrights, satirists, and essay writers produced works during the Enlightenment. Also gaining popularity was the novel. The Enlightenment witnessed the "Kingdom of Reason" prevail over the superstition of tradition and faith, and is celebrated as the time when freedom of thought transcended Tradition and Religion. This process of religious disenchantment has also been identified as a uniquely French achievement.
  • The period witnessed a transition of reading habits and built a critical mindset free from the ties of dependency and obedience that underpinned earlier representation in "linking philosophical works with revolutionary thought." The early modern transition from a theocratic to a political system of government included the dechristianization and secularization processes. A "new national discourse" developed as a result of the desacralization of the monarchy, the diminishing social significance of parishes and priests, and the spread of both theoretical and practical scepticism that ultimately led to the dissolution of the previously existing order due to desacralization of the monarchy.
  • Literature serves as a social commentary. Alongside British traditional Literature and the USA, works of Literature from other nations attracted readers' attention. Readers can learn about societal issues and human values by reading various novels, short tales, poems, or dramas.
  • By reading novels about the connections between people and events, as well as the social structures that trap them, readers could observe their own lives within these institutions from the outside, enabling the critical study of the socioeconomic structures that most affect readers. As a result, readers change basic thinking and demolish the structures they are a part of by challenging those boundaries and developing more nuanced perspectives.
  • The influence of Literature can be seen in cultural stimulation and even political policy, which has resulted in more significant differences. Examples include: Theodore Roosevelt's The Jungle, exists to serves as another instance of how literary interpretation can take on virtually any form. While Sinclair intended to promote a socialist agenda with the publication of his book, the response to it, which called for a different kind of political change, hinted at the difficulties in striking a balance between the intentions of authors and audience interpretations and how, in either case, change consequences. Literature enlightens us about the true and potential states of society and politics, enabling us to harness the limitless potential for change through persistent inquiry.
  • Numerous psychological and philosophical investigations of moral conception refer to the literary theory examining its influence on social norms, empathetic capacity, identity, and self-conceptualization. Consuming Literature fosters an empathetic connection between the reader, the author, the characters, and the ideas being delivered. It also broadens perspectives and helps people understand the various moral dilemmas and their possible outcomes.
  • Literature can alter the self, transform perspectives and imaginations, deepen our awareness of who we are as humans and challenge what we assume about ourselves. 
  • Young people may be taught to think critically about various things from various theoretical perspectives by studying Literature. They will learn about diverse historical occurrences and begin comprehending various civilizations through reading. In essence, English Literature will aid students in comprehending various experiences from a range of perspectives, so promoting more empathy and open-mindedness.
  • An essay-based topic like English Literature is excellent for a child's general development because it gets them writing. It teaches kids how to conduct research, formulate an argument, gather supporting data, and write coherently, enhancing their spelling and grammar. Regular writing essays also helps with general communication skills but can be tiresome and complex. Academic Assignments online service provides literature essay help to students across the United Kingdom.



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